Tuesday, June 17, 2008

2 More Days Left . . .

Could it really be true?  Are there ONLY 2 more days left until cherished bambinos are released from the lovely educational system and returned to my tender-loving arms for 11 weeks of major quality time?  

I say quality time, because the aforementioned bambinos have decided that we are spending the entire summer together.  They WILL NOT even consider Summer Camp this year.  I have broached every kind of day camp, sleep over camp, 2 - 4 hour camp, daily activities, day trips, join a sports program, spend time with your friends speech, and maybe you could spend some time with your grandparents plan.  

I have gotten excited over every activity I have seen in print, on TV, over the internet or received by mail.  I have begged, pleaded, demanded and threatened.  All to no avail.  Bambino 1 and 2 want no part of it.  They want to stay home and spend time with me.  Let me hear it - a resounding "OOHH, HOW NICE" - NO, I say, Not Nice - I cannot possibly spend 24 hours, 7 days a week as the one man entertainment center for cherished bambinos!  I have things to do, I have places to go, I have people to see (well, not really) but I. Must. Go. To. Work.  Maybe not to actually work, but how will Mr. P survive without his chauffeur service into the office every day?  I have explained this circumstance to my lovely brood and told them that mom really needs to go to work every day.  Yes, this brought on quite the robust round of laughter, from everyone, dear hubby included.  

So, in defeat, last night, Mr. P and I sat down and made The List.  The List includes chores for which there will be no monetary gain, chores that an allowance will be provided for (necessary deductions to made when and if any of the chores are not done) and what we lovingly refer to as "The Extra Jobs".  The Extra Jobs consist of little weekly jobs that no one wants to do, bigger weekly jobs that still no one wants to do, and the HUGE Once in a Lifetime Jobs that will pay REALLY, REALLY well (ie. sanding and painting the garage doors and trim).  

So as the bambinos tuck themselves in for the next 2 nights, dreaming of lazy summer days and lounging with mom.  Mom can still tuck herself in for slumber with the last laugh . . .

Oh yes, dear children, we will be home together this summer.  But while I float dreamily around the pool. . . You will be taking care of THE LIST!  Happy Summer!


Gifting Gumshoe said...

Thanks for adding me to your friends! It looks like you and I have a love of things preppy in common! Send me an email sometime to chat!
The Gifting Gumshoe